Saturday, April 12, 2008

The Gauntlet Has Been Dropped

Today marked the first day of a weight-loss challenge between myself and my friend T*. T* is the mother of Big Sister's best friend and has been a good friend of mine for about 4 years. (How do you think the girls are now best friends?)

T* and I both struggle a bit with our weight and try to be cheerleaders for each other in our efforts. It's amazing how many people, friends even, seem so jealous when you succeed in losing weight that they try to sabotage your efforts or find fault in your methods. I've been told that I'm "not normal" when I've turned down pizza and ice cream and enticed with every sugary or fatty food imaginable after I've explicitly said "no thank you" and explained that I'm trying to lose weight. T* is a blessing. She's a true friend. She's so supportive and encouraging. And....she's shedding weight like a mad woman! Her recent weight-loss triggered the competitor in me and I suggested a "Biggest Loser" style challenge.

For 8 weeks, we will weigh in once a week at the gym. Each week, we will declare that week's winner. She will get 1 point. At the end of the 8 weeks, whoever has the most overall weight loss gets an additional point (to avoid ties). T*'s weight loss goal is 16 lbs and mine is 20 lbs. She weighs less than me, so this is fair. Each week we'll tally the total percentage of the goal lost to compare fairly.

The winner of the 8 week challenge is then treated by the loser to a girls' afternoon out. We'll shop together for an item of clothing in the winner's new size ($20-40 value). We've decided to split childcare costs and lunch down the middle.

Now, Mr. Yarnworks comes home on leave in 9 weeks. My goal is to shed at least one dress size by losing 20 pounds and to use the girls' afternoon out to pick out an outfit to wear when I greet him at the airport.

The prospect of Mr. Yarnworks coming home from Iraq on leave has been a powerful motivator in the past, so I'm confident. Gotta be a hottie for the hubby. :)

I will keep you aprised of my weight loss as the weeks go forward. I also promise you some fiberly content here soon. I don't want to jinx anything, so I won't give you any details just yet.

1 comment:

AuntieAnn said...

You go, girl! I'd like to lose a few myself, so I'll be cheering you on.